HVAC & Plumbing Services in

Lochard HVAC Plumbing & Service manager on the phone

Proud to be Part of Miami County

To have a job done right the first time, you call in the experts. At Lochard HVAC, Plumbing & Service, we’re passionate about performing quality HVAC and plumbing repairs and installations for homeowners and businesses in the Kettlersville area. Our team has proudly serviced the area since 1945. You can count on us to keep your systems maintained and in good working order all year round.

Energy Efficiency Tip for Homeowners in Kettlersville

Tip: You can reduce heating and cooling costs by as much as 10 percent by resetting your thermostat by 7°F to 10°F (lower or higher depending on the season) for 8 hours when the house is unoccupied during the day. If that isn’t an option, try raising or lowering the temperature if you leave the house for four hours or more. Even the smallest adjustments can help shave off a few kilowatt hours – and dollars – here and there.

woman adjusting an HVAC thermostat

Plumbing & Water Conditioning Services in Kettlersville

Indoor Air Quality Services in Kettlersville